
About Light + Intelligent Building Istanbul

Light + Intelligent Building Istanbul is the new international meeting place for manufacturers from the lighting, electrical engineering, home and building automation and connected security technology sectors. The most important visitor groups include architects, interior architects, designers, planners and engineers as well as craftsmen, trade and industry.


Product groups at Light + Intelligent Building Istanbul

Exhibitor Profile


Light + Intelligent Building Istanbul has a wide range of displayed products, from technical and decorative lighting products to electrical connections, from light sources to building and home automation technologies. All companies from Türkiye and around the world with the following product groups can take part in Light + Intelligent Building Istanbul as exhibitors:

  • Decorative lighting
  • Architectural lighting
  • Technical lighting
  • Electrical lamps, components and accessories
  • Electrical engineering
  • Smart home and building technologies

Visitor Profile

Light + Building Frankfurt

Light + Intelligent Building Istanbul hosts distributors and purchasing professionals from Türkiye and mainly from the Middle East, North Africa, Russia, Greece and the Balkans.

  • Architects
  • Interior architects
  • Designers
  • Municipalities & government bodies
  • Contractors
  • Distributors
  • Retailers
  • E-traders
  • Venue / facility managers


Light + Building Frankfurt

AGID: Lighting Equipment Manufacturers Association

AGID is the only industry association in Türkiye that has gathered manufacturers operating in the lighting industry and other stakeholders contributing to the industry under the same roof since 1997.

It was established with the aim of creating identity awareness of the sector, developing individual and collective relations between sector stakeholders, supporting the process of compliance with international standards and supporting the representation of our manufacturers in international markets.

Light + Building Frankfurt

ATMK: Turkish National Committee for Lighting

Turkish National Committee for Lighting was established and started its activities in 1995. Before going to international platforms, ATMK fulfills the following functions in Türkiye:

  • Being informed about studies on science, technology, standardization and art related to lighting and lighting in Türkiye
  • Communicating with relevant people
  • Helping these people exchange information with people and organizations in other countries
  • Encouraging and organizing the transfer of information and products produced and developed in Türkiye to the international platform and opening them up for discussion.
Light + Building Frankfurt

Istanbul Enerji

Istanbul Enerji Inc. was established in 1962 under the name BEL-PET. As a subsidiary of the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Istanbul Enerji is a company with 62 years of experience that focuses on utilizing renewable energy sources and environmentally friendly technologies, which have become prominent in its current operations. The company operates in three main areas: energy production and management, fuel management, and lighting project and application management. Within these fields, it undertakes solar energy systems (SES) projects, solar lighting systems, energy efficiency consultancy, sustainable energy climate action plans (SECAP), biomass power plants (BPP), wind power plants (WPP), electric vehicle charging stations, wholesale and retail fuel supply, and lighting projects for architectural spaces and parks.

Istanbul Enerji provides innovative and environmentally friendly solutions in energy, lighting, and fuel to various institutions in both the public and private sectors.

Light + Building Frankfurt

Istanbul Chamber of Commerce

Since its foundation in 1882, the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce has been the most effective and influential organization in the business climate of Türkiye and represent currently more than 800.000 companies from all corners of the business spectrum.

Istanbul Chamber of Commerce has always been a pioneer in the development of business and trade in Türkiye.kiye to the international platform and opening them up for discussion.

Light + Building Frankfurt

TMMOB Chamber of Interior Architects of Türkiye - Branch of Istanbul

The Chamber of Interior Architects was founded in 1976 and is the only institution authorized to represent the profession. Istanbul Branch operates in Istanbul and Thrace with over 4000 members and over 2000 student members.

Istanbul Branch, headquartered in Gayrettepe, carries out activities aimed at the profession and colleagues with its board of directors formed under the chairmanship of Herdem Süer.

Light + Building Frankfurt

Elektrona (Decoration Partner)

ELEKTRONA was founded in 1967 by Alaettin CEBEL with the aim of structuring electrical materials. After his death in 1992, under the management of the second generation Tankut and Aykut CEBEL, emphasis was placed on the lighting sector in addition to electrical materials. Today, under the leadership of Aykut CEBEL, it stands out with its experience, quality and innovation mission, as well as distributorships of the world's and Turkey's leading brands, as well as lighting consultancy and the production of project-specific, special "custom-made" lighting products.